We’re working hard to get things ready for next weekend – specifically for Saturday 16th March – when we launch both our Different Moons book and website, and re-open The Apna. All the events will be focused in Haslingden, where the book launch takes place at 12 midday at the Library, and of course it’s where the Apna is – at 69 Deardengate.
Up to now we’ve focused on getting the book ready, and it’s currently at the printers so we just have to be patient. But recently there’s been a flurry of activity at the Apna (see previous post), and this week we’ll be completing the website (www.differentmoons.org). For a glimpse of what our designers, Osprey Delivers, are doing there’s a preview of a page above, while below there’s an example of what it might look like on your phone….
…we can’t wait!